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So pleased with this shop Right from the start elaine was welcoming and fit me in as i showed up without sn appointment to finish a running board install that two other garages could not …Më tepër


(Përkthyer nga Google) Shërbim i shkëlqyeshëm dhe njerëz të shkëlqyeshëm (Origjinali) Great service and great people


I don't think anyone really enjoys taking their car into the shop. But as a young female I used to dread it because I always felt I was judged for not knowing what was wrong or that my lack of knowledge would mean I was getting ripped off. …Më tepër


I recently took an older model rv to 5 star for a once over. They could have reported anything was going bad and I would have had no knowledge if true or not, but in true 5 star quality they found everything in working order except a few …Më tepër


(Përkthyer nga Google) Unë nuk mendoj se kam marrë ndonjëherë makinën time kudo që më dha lloj shërbimi që marr nga Pesë yje. Punonjësit janë miqësorë dhe të ditur, dhe më kujtojnë mua dhe makinën time. Ata kurrë nuk përpiqen të shtyjnë …Më tepër


(Përkthyer nga Google) Unë kam qenë një klient për 10-15 vjet; Unë jam në automjetin tim të tretë me ta - dhe ata gjithmonë kanë qenë të frikshëm, por pronari i ri, Ryan, është me të vërtetë duke u krenuar me shërbimin që ata ofrojnë. Kohët …Më tepër


Oh my gosh what an awesome group of people at Five Star Auto Repair. My car broke down on Leestown Road and they went out of their way after hours to come and see what it needed. They started on it the very next morning and had it done for …Më tepër


No business has ever been more literally named. I had a major repair that I was quoted 2-3 weeks turn around time by 28/30 repair shops I called in and around Lexington for the initial diagnosis of my problem . Not only did 5 star get it …Më tepër


(Përkthyer nga Google) 5 Yjet duhet të vlerësohen për ndershmërinë dhe integritetin e tyre. Kam pasur një përvojë të fundit në të cilën kërkoheshin riparime shtesë kur një riparim çoi në prishjen e një pjese tjetër. 5 Star mori …Më tepër


Staff was friendly and helpful and seemed trustworthy. I used a Groupon. The first time I called to use it, they were backed up, so I had to wait a while. Not a problem for me, because I purchased it well in advance of the need. Service …Më tepër